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Celestial Tear: Demon's Revenge is to be a Western take on classic JRPG fare

Lena LeRay from Indie Games, May 20, 2014


"White Guardian Studios is embarking on their first game creation, a 2D RPG inspired by Suikoden II, Wild Arms 2, and Final Fantasy VII called Celestial Tear: Demon's Revenge.


It'll have an art style based on comic book art from the west rather than from the east, a story that sounds like it has plenty of potential for character development and exploration of dark themes, and a combat system which is turn-based but with a turn order that changes based on player choices."




Celestial Tear: Demon’s Revenge Sets Itself Apart

Nathaniel Liles from Cliqist, May 15, 2014


"Celestial Tear: Demon’s Revenge has a noticeable and detailed artstyle in-game that you notice right away. Taking the top-down RPG and rethinking the art style without nixing the 16-bit aesthetic we all love so dearly has had some great results, and if the rest of the game follows this trend, it will be the game to watch for old-school JRPG fans all over."

Celestial Tear: Demon’s Revenge – Returning To The Roots Of JRPGs

RMANDAL from Indie Game Magazine, May 1, 2014


"Many feel that the quality of RPG games have taken a long dive, and that gamers are still waiting for a return to entertaining gameplay, with a driving story and interesting characters. White Guardian Studios feels the same way, and they’ve come up with a solution by developing their upcoming title Celestial Tear: Demon’s Revenge."

Demon's Revenge - A old school sci-fi fantasy RPG game

Robin E from The Gaming Ground, July 12, 2014


"It has that old school look to it. But it seems to be a really deep game, that offers a lot of awesome gameplay experiences. So i´m going to keep an close eye on this game!"

Other Media



Here is a playthrough of our demo, version 1.02. Akemi Homura took the time out to play, bug test, and critique our game. It is nice to see people's play style, it definitely helps us with making the game! Akemi Homura is the first and only person confirmed to find the Hornet King in the demo! Congratulations!


MoonLightGang made a playthrough of our demo, version 1.00, but unfortunately he had a problem with sound. He still managed to make the best of it and enjoyed the game. We also loved his hilarious singing 

Another bug he encountered was jumping over the event where Armehd is attacked by wolves which made for some funny commentary! :P


Here is a short informative playthrough by Flik's Gaming Stuff that goes over some of the basic functions of Celestial Tear: Demon's Revenge. He does a very good job at explaining some of the features as well as showing them all off. He also found a secret in his playthrough that not many other have found. The secret basically gives you access to a certain area without having to wait for the wolf quest to be over.


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